Poet & Gardener: Today, leaders see the need to express the heart of the team, as a poet gives words to the heart of readers. They develop players using encouragement and direction. They recognize the power of words & use them wisely."1
This description was the last leadership style defined in my previous post. And, I do think that most women lead this way naturally, as part of their God-given, emotional female wiring. Gals just tend to be more heart-lateral, partnering in leadership, building community in friendships, and making companionship trips to restrooms together(Ha ha!). Unless, they are taught to conform to other leadership styles through parental modeling, academia or many times the business world for Western women.
I continue in pondering leadership styles, their history and how they relate to empowering others, understanding the poor and living a God-glorifying lifestyle as called for in the Bible. And, following is today's reading from the Moravian Church of North America. It relates to empowerment basics, understanding justice and leadership as God defines it, which looks totally different than the world's standards:
I continue in pondering leadership styles, their history and how they relate to empowering others, understanding the poor and living a God-glorifying lifestyle as called for in the Bible. And, following is today's reading from the Moravian Church of North America. It relates to empowerment basics, understanding justice and leadership as God defines it, which looks totally different than the world's standards:
Psalm 106:13-23 Jeremiah 40,41; Philemon 1:1-11 I know that the Lord maintains the cause of the needy, and executes justice for the poor.
Psalm 140:12 Christ says, "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God."
Luke 6:20 God of all, both rich and poor, strong and weak, strengthen us and give us courage to look out for the needy and seek justice for the poor. Let us inherit the kingdom of God. Amen.2
I will close with the thought-provoking Message translation of the Lord's Prayer/Luke 11:2-4, in contemporary language. My life has seemed to become way more complicated than the "basics" in this prayer with my relocation back to the "task-oriented" Midwest, among so many leaders that can make so many things happen. Thus, I am now needing to repent of unnecessary doing, traveling, studying, achievement and self-sufficiency... I want to strive to be a better poet & gardener, friend to the poor and God-dependent liver. God help me!Psalm 140:12 Christ says, "Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God."
Luke 6:20 God of all, both rich and poor, strong and weak, strengthen us and give us courage to look out for the needy and seek justice for the poor. Let us inherit the kingdom of God. Amen.2
"Father, reveal who you are. Set the world right. Keep us alive with three square meals. Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. 3
1-The Maxwell Leadership Bible" by John C. Maxwell, Thomas Nelson Bibles, 2002
2- Daily Texts from the Interprovincial Board of Communication of the Moravian Church in North America.
3- "The Message " Bible, NavPress, Copyright 2002, Eugene H. Peterson
3- "The Message " Bible, NavPress, Copyright 2002, Eugene H. Peterson
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